Session 3

Between a rock and a hard place?

From 1 Samuel: A 6-Week Devotional

From working at a dead end job to kids that just won’t cooperate, we have all felt stuck. Being stuck is one of the most difficult places we can find ourselves. It makes us lose hope, strips our joy and always leaves a tinge of worthlessness hanging over our heads.

But, sometimes the Lord allows us to grow the most in situations where we feel the most stuck.

When we find ourselves stuck in life, we can remember that God always works for our good.

Even David, the man after God’s own heart, encountered seasons where he had no other option but to be still. While he was running from Saul, David found himself separated from his people and restricted by God’s commands from changing the situation.

In his time of being stuck, David did something very crucial—he called upon the Lord. David prayed and asked for the Lord to guard his heart and his mouth from sin.

Like David, our best and only option in sticky situations is to seek Jesus first. In Psalm 141:8, we can pray the exact words David prayed, saying, “But my eyes are fixed on you, Sovereign Lord; in you I take refuge—do not give me over to death.”

Always remember, David wasn’t stuck forever. Because he looked to God during hard times, the Lord redeemed him in huge ways later. When we find ourselves stuck in life, we can remember that God always works for our good. It’s up to us whether we stay stuck or grow closer to Jesus.


  • Is there a situation or area of your life where you feel stuck? Is anything stopping you from surrendering it to Jesus?
  • What is one way you can apply Psalm 141 to the situation you are stuck in? Or, what is one way you can use it to prepare for the next time you are stuck?

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