Session 11

The reason you might be seeing things differently

From 2 Corinthians: 21-Day Bible Study

Do you remember going to birthday parties as a child and playing “Pin the Tail on the Donkey”? With a picture of a tailless donkey placed on a wall, kids stand in a line a few feet away. Each child takes a turn to be blindfolded, spun around, and pointed in the right direction in hopes of pinning the tail in the correct place.

It's an uncomfortable feeling to be blindfolded. You are pointed in the right direction, but trying to reach the wall in darkness is difficult. You can hear friends giggling and guiding you as you stumble around. When the blindfold is finally lifted, the freedom of sight is a welcome relief.

Being able to see the world around you is amazing compared to the feeling of being in darkness. Could you imagine never being able to lift a blindfold from your eyes?

Those who do not have a relationship with Jesus live with a permanent blindfold that keeps them from seeing the beauty of God. The only one who can lift that blindfold is Jesus.  

In 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, we are taught that spiritual freedom comes from God Himself. “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 

In a relationship with Jesus, we are free from the darkness of sin and can boldly enter into the light of God’s presence. Our blindfolds are permanently lifted, allowing us to enjoy and reflect His glory! And as we do, we help to guide those who are still blindfolded to the one who can restore their sight. 


  • How has knowing God changed how you see the world around you?
  • Who do you know who is still blindfolded? How can you guide them toward the one who can unveil their eyes?

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