Session 10

’Tis So Sweet

From Able: A 10-Day Devotional

Trust, by definition, is believing someone or something is reliable, good, honest, or effective.

Have you ever put your trust in something that ended up being none of those things? Have you ever been treated poorly, lied to, or let down by something or someone you’ve given your whole self to?

Being deceived hurts, but there’s good news.

Your heavenly Father is not only completely trustworthy by definition, He is also the model for the definition. God has never failed anyone, and He never will. He sees everything, including you.

Trust God because He loves you more than you've ever dreamed of being loved, and He's proved it by sending His Son to take the punishment we deserved. God is worthy of your trust.

Jeremiah 17:7-8 says those who trust in the Lord are blessed. They are like a tree that “does not cease to bear fruit,” despite intense heat or drought.

When we trust God, we get much more than temporary satisfaction or relational relief. We get salvation in Jesus! We get unfailing love, perfect peace, and endless grace at all times. We get Jesus, who has gone to the grave and back for you! Trust Him.

Who or what has your trust today? Does it compare to Jesus?

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