Session 27

What would you sacrifice for someone else’s freedom?

From Acts: A 28-Day Devotional


Acts 27

Paul sets sail for Rome, and a week into the trip, he hits a major storm. The ship runs aground, but everyone on board makes it safely to shore just as God promised.

Paul’s journey to Rome was frustrating. Transferring from ship to ship, he was hauled across international waters, chained as a prisoner at the mercy of poor decision makers.

Although Paul warned the captain that pressing forward would be disastrous, the captain listened to other advice and the ship crashed, splintering into pieces.

If everyone but Paul had perished, he would have been a free man. Instead, Paul accepted his role as a prisoner and instructed everyone on how to survive after the storm. Instead of bitterness, Paul saved lives.

How many of us can say we would have responded the same way? Paul valued the salvation of others more than his own comfort. Do you value others’ salvation more than your own comfort?


  • What does this passage teach us about God? How does it apply to you?
  • Have you ever listened to the wrong people and made a decision you regretted? How has God been faithful to you in spite of that decision?
  • How has God proven trustworthy in your life? Are you more concerned with others or your own preservation?

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