Session 8

We’re all called to reach out and help

From Colossians: A 28-Day Devotional

Who do you turn to for help when you’re struggling?

At the most difficult moment of Jesus’ life, He took His disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane and asked them to "watch and pray." If the Son of God needed others’ support, how much more must we?

We can take Jesus’ example as permission to reach out and ask for help. Moreover, as the church, we can proactively reach out to those God has placed in our lives by offering our support. In Colossians 2:2, Paul encourages the church to be "knit together by strong ties of love" (NLT).

The church was designed to care for one another and to contend for one another (Colossians 2:1, NIV). To contend for someone simply is to fight for them. To grapple with what holds them back, to face their struggle, and take it on as our own.

That’s what Paul did for the churches he started, and it’s what we’re called to do for each other.

We don’t have to wait for the pastor to call, or for someone to send out a Meal Train. We contend for one another when we pray, when we see a need and meet it, when we let someone know they are not alone.

Whether it’s a phone call, a note, or an invitation to coffee, expressing care and concern goes a lot farther than we realize. In another letter, Paul tells the church, "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ" (Galatians 6:2).


  • What is one practical way you can show Jesus’ love to someone today?
  • Who needs your prayers today? Take a few minutes to write down the names and needs of those closest to you. Take those needs to God and ask Him to show up for your family or friends.

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