Session 12

How To Be A Standout

From Hebrews: A 24-Day Devotional

We have all had had a co-worker, classmate or family member who is different. Something about these people makes them approachable, welcoming and genuinely hospitable. Even in an environment where talking about faith is discouraged, their loving attitude makes it clear that they are Christians. The way these people genuinely care for everyone draws people into friendship and they embody what Hebrews 13:1-3 encourages.

Treating everyone we meet as brothers is important because how we treat people is what builds our reputation. In John 13:35, Jesus says, “everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” How we welcome and love all those around us, even strangers, is the clearest picture of Jesus’ grace and love given to us.

When we treat everyone we meet  — our neighbors, the cashier at the store, the person who cuts us off in traffic —with the same love Jesus shows us, we exude a spirit of hospitality and grace that is open to relationships with others. Through those moments of grace and relationship, we are able to show the radical life change Jesus offers.


  • What does the way you treat others say about Jesus?
  • Who can you show Jesus’ love to today?
  • How can you be more hospitable to the people you interact with today?

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