Session 16

How to make investments that last

From Luke: A 24-Day Devotional


Luke 16

The Bible describes two kinds of wealth. The first kind of wealth is used to buy and build houses, buy cars, go on vacation, get clothes, and pay bills. To acquire this type of wealth, we must have a job or a rich family member as this type of wealth comes from a worldly source. The second type of wealth comes from God and is described as “true riches.” True riches are those with eternal value. True riches can't be spent here on Earth. They are a reward for how we manage all that Jesus has given us.

In order to be faithful in handling our wealth, we must understand the difference between ownership and stewardship. An owner has rights to his property and can do whatever he wishes with his property. A steward manages the property with the understanding that, one day, he will be called to account for his handling of the property. We are stewards of God's property, not owners of our own.

We would say we know the difference between ownership and stewardship, but often our actions tell a different story. Consider your attitude toward money and stuff. Where do you turn when making financial decisions? Knowing who are belongings really belong to changes our hearts. We become less interested in building our kingdom and more interested in building God's. We make decisions with our money based on what God cares about, not based on our ambitions or desires.

We can be short-sighted when it comes to money. But when we view the money and stuff passing through our hands as God's, our perspective changes. No longer pleased with a bigger house or better phone, we start to play the long game, looking for investments that will make a difference today and into eternity. And that is where true riches are found. 


  • Looking back over the last couple weeks, how did you handle your wealth? Like the owner or like a steward?
  • When making decisions about money, to what extent do you consult God?
  • Where is one place your wealth can make a difference for God?

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