Session 1

How to know what you really value

From Mark: A 6-Week Devotional

Mark 10 tells of a rich man who wanted a relationship with Jesus. When the man asks how to be saved, Jesus tells him to sell his possessions and give to the poor. Hearing this, “the man went away sad, because he had great wealth” (Mark 10:22). Little did the man know that the treasure Jesus had waiting for him was far greater than any possession on earth.

Wealth is not bad, but this man valued his possessions more than he valued a relationship with Jesus Christ. By asking the man to get rid of his possessions, Jesus wanted the man to see that he placed more value on his belongings than being with Jesus. The man had more trust and security in his wealth than in Jesus' ability to provide his needs.

This is why Jesus encourages us to get rid of anything that diverts our attention away from God. Anything we give up to be with Jesus on this side of eternity will pale in comparison to what we gain by knowing God and spending forever with Him (Mark 10:30).

The rich man in the story didn't realize what he was giving up when we walked away, but we do. When we put our trust in Jesus, He saves us from our sin, sets us free from old and ordinary ways of living, gives us purpose, and a family. The life we gain is far greater than anything we give away. 


  • Think about where you spend your time and money. What, if anything, would you say you value more than Jesus?
  • Tithing is a regular reminder to put Jesus first in our lives. Are you tithing? If so, how has your trust in God grown since you started?
  • Has there ever been a time when you put your trust In Jesus? If not, let us know. We'd love to help you discover what's next.  

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