Session 3

You have a brand, but do you know what it is?

From Mark: A 6-Week Devotional

The most expensive part of every pair of jeans isn’t the material but the label. When we buy a brand, we’re paying for more than the fit or the quality, we’re paying for the status that comes with brand identification. Think about it, what do you think when you hear the following brands?

  • Old Navy

  • Levi

  • H&M

In Mark 12, Jesus reveals that the most important brand we associate with is not on our clothes, accessories, or cars. In fact, it’s not one we put on at all.

Holding up a coin bearing the image of the Roman Emperor, Jesus said, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s” (Mark 12:17). The coin was branded with Caesar’s likeness. But have you ever wondered what’s branded in God’s likeness?

We are. We were made in God’s image. We belong to God, and His brand is on us.

Giving God what is already His means giving Him all of ourselves. Instead of finding our identity in the clothes we wear, the jobs we hold or the awards we collect, we find our identity in being followers of Jesus and God’s beloved children. That label is more meaningful and powerful than any corporate logo.


  • What are two to three phrases you regularly use to describe yourself (either in person or on social media)? What do those things say about where do you find your sense of identity or purpose?

  • Is there any part of your life where you’re not comfortable giving God control? What is it? What’s holding you back?

  • What does your life say about God’s brand? Is there anything in your life that needs to change to better reflect who God is and what He’s all about?

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