Session 3

How to get rid of worry

From Matthew: A 28-Day Devotional


Matthew 6

Worrying can be an everyday occurrence for some people. Sometimes it becomes such a normal part of life that it’s not even noticed. It becomes a piece of who they are. Many anxious people find themselves wishing to be more laid back, and they begin to think, "Okay, today I will not worry as much. Today I'm going to stop myself from worrying." But, the worrying doesn't stop. Instead, it becomes an even bigger mess of worrying about not worrying.

So, just how do we get rid of worry? Beginning in Matthew 6:25, Jesus talks specifically about worry. In fact, Jesus instructs us not to worry at all about anything. Such things even as simple as food and clothes worry us day in and day out. These worries are rooted in our doubt that Jesus will provide for us. Jesus says in verse 33, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you." We must hold on to and trust in the promises of Jesus. He will provide.

The best way to begin not worrying should not begin with us; it begins with Jesus. We must look to Jesus and build a relationship with Him, and as His promises unfold before us, we will see His faithfulness. Then and only by Jesus, our worries will begin to fade.


  • What is the one thing you spend most of your time worrying over? How can you begin to give control of that worry to Jesus?
  • Do you fully trust God to provide for you? Why or why not?
  • Is worrying keeping you from having a better relationship with Jesus? What can you do to worry less and trust God more?

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