Session 11

You Are Not A Number

From Nehemiah: A 13-Day Devotional

Why do you suppose Nehemiah records so many names in his account of those returning to settle in Jerusalem? The names serve to focus our attention on the promises God made to His people. They remind the workers they are part of one special family of purpose. Perhaps most importantly, the names remind us that these were real people with real stories who made a real difference.

If we were to list all the difference makers who helped build NewSpring, the list would be long. Hundreds and thousands of people have served and sacrificed in order to reach people far from God. 

At NewSpring, we believe every number has a name, every name has a story, and every story matters to God. God really does care about the people we are trying to reach. But, God also cares about the people already here.

God hasn’t forgotten you. God is with us in the late nights and early mornings, the long phone calls, and the prayers spoken through tears.

The mission to reach the world with the Gospel is a huge undertaking. We can never forget that the church’s mission is fulfilled by individuals. Individuals who matter to God come together to fight and build and make a difference. God hasn’t forgotten you. God is with us in the late nights and early mornings, the long phone calls, and the prayers spoken through tears. He knows and cares about our personal circumstances. Jesus knows us by name.

Consider This:

Who in your life needs to hear about Jesus?


Jesus, give me the courage to share my faith.

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