Session 4

The difference praising God can make every day

From Psalms: A 28-Day Devotional


Psalm 103

When life gets busy or stressful, certain routines can fall by the wayside. Maybe you don’t eat as well or clean the house as much as you wish you could. Maybe you start to sacrifice what's important for what's urgent, skipping time with God so the kids aren't late to school. 

When life is chaotic and we aren't hearing God's voice as clearly, one of the best things we can do is remind ourselves of what we already know to be true. 

That's what David does in Psalm 103. He reminds himself to praise God. He reflects on God's character and then starts to recall what God has already done for His people. When our hearts are heavy, praising the Lord doesn't come naturally, but as we recount God’s majesty and amazing works, our strength is renewed.

Sometimes, praise flows naturally from our hearts. Other times, praise focuses our hearts on what's real, rather than what we feel. Like David, we'll find no matter how we start, once we start praising God the more we find to praise Him for (Psalm 103:15-19). And the more we reflect on how great God is, the more confidence we take into our day. 

When we’re late to work and still have to drive the kids to school, we can praise God for the opportunity to work and the means to drive a vehicle. When the kids are acting crazy, we can praise God for the privilege of being a parent and for His example of how to love children well. When suffering comes, we can praise God for the promise of eternity and the hope we have in knowing this world is not all there is. 

There will never be a day when we have nothing to praise God for because His character enough is worthy to be praised. So whatever your day brings, praise the Lord. 


  • What can you praise God for today? Take five minutes and see how many reasons you can find to thank God. 
  • When was the last time you had to preach to yourself? How did it change your attitude to reflect on what God says is true?
  • What are some things you love about God's character? We often find it easy to thank God for what He does, but we can also celebrate God for who He is. 

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