Session 23

Don’t Miss The Miracle

From Hebrews: A 24-Day Devotional

The Christian life is not without tough times. In the Old Testament, God’s people wandered the desert for 40 years then fought battle after battle as they tried to protect their land from invaders. In the New Testament, God’s Son hangs on a cross, church leaders are thrown in jail and others are killed for their faith. The Bible is full of examples in which the lives of God’s people are difficult.  

Anyone who has been a Christian for any length of time has been through a season when God seemed far away. So what is the point? Why persist in our faith if it doesn’t make our problems go away? The reason is simple: The point when we feel the most inadequate is the point at which we are most dependent on God.

One of the paradoxes of Christianity is that our value to God is not in our strength. His ability to work best through us in our times of weakness is counterintuitive. In every other area of life, we are praised for our ability. But the point of the Christian life is to direct praise to Someone else.  

When following God is simple, easy and clear, we have little temptation to give up. Our obedience makes perfect sense. But when we persevere through confusion, doubt and pain, we demonstrate something unique to those around us and offer something of great value to God — our humble submission.

If you’re not dead, God is not done. Don’t quit just before the miracle. When we feel like there is no reason to press on in the Christian life, but we choose to stay faithful in spite of our feelings, God can use us in amazing ways.


  • Is there any circumstance where it is alright to give up on God? Why or why not?
  • In what area of your life are you most tempted to give up on God?

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