
Talking To Kids About Death

death children parenting

And the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.  (Ecclesiastes 12:7) Death is a pai...

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Surviving Grief Without Losing Your Mind

death regret grief

Losing someone you love is like having part of your heart ripped out. Whether death came through sudden catastrophe or a drawn out diseas...

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Everything You Need To Know About Revelation

heaven death hell bible need to know

Jesus promised that one day He would return and set everything right. But when? And how? And are we ready?Revelation, the last book of th...

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How would you cope when the worst happens? The Smiths’ story will leave you crying - and in awe

death eternity hope

Our world can turn upside down in a moment. When all hell breaks loose and all hope seems lost, will you overcome or be crushed by your c...

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Snatched From The Wreckage - Nick Mountz’s Story

death addiction purpose

After being hit by an 18-wheeler, Nick Mountz searched for his purpose until he discovered Jesus had a plan for him all along. This is hi...

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A Friendship Forged In Forgiveness - Erik Fitzgerald and Matthew Swatzell’s Story

death forgiveness friendship suffering

After a deadly car wreck, Erik Fitzgerald and Matthew Swatzell crossed paths in a way that would change them forever.

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