
To Spend or To Save: How Can My Spouse and I Agree on Money?

marriage money relationships

My blood boiled and my heart sank as I opened my bank account app. Money had been taken out of my beloved savings for a new home and spen...

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Growth Doesn’t Happen By Itself

From 2 Peter: An 8-Day Devotional

relationships groups

It’s easy to get distracted, worrying about our past and who we used to be. Or maybe it feels impossible to guard against worry about the...

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A Recipe For Life

From 2 Peter: An 8-Day Devotional

jesus relationships

Do you have a favorite recipe? Perhaps it’s a family recipe, and the ingredients are a well-kept secret. The first time you prepare...

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All The Wrong Questions: What You Ask Can Change How You Date

dating relationships faith

My roommate and I have a rule. If either of us go on a date and it isn’t going well, we’ll text the other one a code word tha...

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What Jesus really said about relationships

family community love relationships

When someone you love tells you something more than once, you listen. It’s important to that person, so it becomes important to you...

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Single and Ready To Mingle?

singleness dating relationships sex

Single people believe two great lies regarding God's timing in marrying them off: 1. I'll never get married until I fix everythi...

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Why your feud is worth the fight

relationships reconciliation communication

I always assumed avoiding conflict was the “Christian” thing to do. Inevitably, I allowed people to walk all over me instead ...

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How To Mend A Messy Marriage

marriage love relationships divorce

As the tears rolled down my face, I thought, “How did we get here? How could we let this happen to us?” My husband and I had...

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Is purity the same as virginity?

dating relationships sex purity

I didn’t learn about sex from the church. In fact, the only thing I did learn when it came to the subject was not to have it until ...

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Embracing Sex As Pleasure When All You’ve Known Is Pain

marriage abuse relationships sex

Does the thought of sex bring up mixed emotions for you? Well if it does, we share a common fear. I was also abused as a little girl, and...

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3 Sexual Positions The Church Won’t Talk About

homosexuality relationships sex masturbation

God invented sex. The Bible addresses sex. Does God want the Church to talk about sex? Seems like it. Has the Church done the best job ...

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9 Ways to Increase Awesome Romance

marriage love relationships sex

Someone asked me recently how often married people should have sex. Quite honestly, the question made me squirm like a 2-year-old on espr...

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