
Breaking Through The Break-Up

love relationships grief

Have you ever lost someone you thought you loved? I dated a guy pretty seriously my sophomore year of college. We dated for awhile. We w...

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Gauntlet 2014 - Session 1

July 28, 2014

jesus relationships

We can pick up a magazine if we want to know what Taylor Swift ate for lunch, but do we really know her? Similarly, we can read...

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Shaping A Child’s Heart

family church relationships parenting

Taking our kids to KidSpring and Fuse is just one part of encouraging their faith in Jesus. While the church is called to invest in the n...

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A New View Of Singleness

marriage singleness relationships prayer

I had no idea that breaking up with my college boyfriend would usher in a season of singleness filled with so many turns, twists and bump...

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Are you a Christian because your parents are?

salvation relationships faith

Your hands grip the steering wheel at 10 and 2. The heat of the engine fills the car as tires squeal around the track. You’re in th...

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Five ways to deal with heartbreak

dating relationships

Your boyfriend dumped you. Your fiancée broke off the engagement. You’re hurt. It feels like your world is falling...

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If you doubt one person can make a difference, look at this teen’s impact on four families

eternity community students relationships leadership

Ben Duncan was just a teen determined to follow Jesus wherever he leads. Watch the video to discover the eternal difference one person ca...

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Loving Jesus Doesn’t Mean Hating Culture

love relationships culture

Too often, Christians are known for listening to sappy music, speaking their own language and avoiding any piece of pop culture that...

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Missing the love of my father

healing fatherhood love relationships self worth

Charlene Patterson searched for satisfaction in relationships because she could not satisfy her need for a father's love. Watch her s...

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How I learned the truth about myself

evangelism church relationships

An invite to NewSpring led Drayton Edwards to see that church wasn't about going through the motions. Watch her story ...

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Let’s Talk about Sex

obedience marriage relationships sex

Our sex-saturated culture says, “More sex now with whomever.” The Christian message is quite different – sex is to be e...

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My One And Only - Becca Page’s Story

suicide dating relationships idolatry

Becca was driven to despair after she wrapped her identity around a boyfriend, but Jesus taught her who she needed to depend on. This is ...

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